18.101.الَّذِينَ كَانَتْ أَعْيُنُهُمْ فِي غِطَاء عَن ذِكْرِي وَكَانُوا لَا يَسْتَطِيعُونَ سَمْعاً
18.101. dont les yeux demeuraient voilés pour ne pas voir Mes signes et dont les oreilles refusaient d'entendre Mes avertissements.
18.101 . Those whose eyes were hoodwinked from My reminder , and who could not bear to hear .
18.101. Allatheena kanat aAAyunuhum fee ghita-in AAan thikree wakanoo la yastateeAAoona samAAan
18.102.أَفَحَسِبَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَن يَتَّخِذُوا عِبَادِي مِن دُونِي أَوْلِيَاء إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا جَهَنَّمَ لِلْكَافِرِينَ نُزُلاً
18.102. Les incrédules s'imaginent-ils donc pouvoir prendre Mes serviteurs pour maîtres en dehors de Moi? Nous réservons aux incrédules la Géhenne pour séjour.
18.102 . Do the disbelievers reckon that they can choose My bondmen as protecting friends beside Me? Lo! We have prepared hell as a welcome for the disbelievers .
18.102. Afahasiba allatheena kafaroo an yattakhithoo AAibadee min doonee awliyaa inna aAAtadna jahannama lilkafireena nuzulan
18.103.قُلْ هَلْ نُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِالْأَخْسَرِينَ أَعْمَالاً
18.103. Dis : «Voulez-vous que nous vous fassions connaître ceux dont les œuvres sont les plus vouées à l'échec ,
18.103 . Say : Shall We inform you who will be the greatest losers by their works?
18.103. Qul hal nunabbi-okum bial-akhsareena aAAmalan
18.104.الَّذِينَ ضَلَّ سَعْيُهُمْ فِي الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ يَحْسَبُونَ أَنَّهُمْ يُحْسِنُونَ صُنْعاً
18.104. ceux dont les efforts, dans cette vie, s'en vont en pure perte, et qui croient cependant bien agir?»
18.104 . Those whose effort goeth astray in the life of the world , and yet they reckon that they do good work .
18.104. Allatheena dalla saAAyuhum fee alhayati alddunya wahum yahsaboona annahum yuhsinoona sunAAan
18.105.أُولَئِكَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِ رَبِّهِمْ وَلِقَائِهِ فَحَبِطَتْ أَعْمَالُهُمْ فَلَا نُقِيمُ لَهُمْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ وَزْناً
18.105. Ce sont ceux qui nient les signes de leur Seigneur ainsi que leur comparution devant Lui. Les œuvres de ces gens-là n'auront aucune valeur et ne pèseront pas lourd dans la vie future.
18.105 . Those are they who disbelieve in the revelations of their Lord and in the meeting with Him . Therefor their works are vain , and on the Day of Resurrection We assign no weight to them .
18.105. Ola-ika allatheena kafaroo bi-ayati rabbihim waliqa-ihi fahabitat aAAmaluhum fala nuqeemu lahum yawma alqiyamati waznan
ابحث في القرآن
الذهاب الى السور
الذهاب الى الآيات